Archive for the ‘diet’ Category
Avoid skipping meals to win the race

Skipping snacks and meals does more harm than good.
Thoughts on nutrition supplements

Supplementing your nutrition I’ve been asked recently by a few people what supplements I take. The answer might surprise you. In my younger days, I would try anything (minus steroids). Back then, there wasn’t much in the way of supplements. Typically there were protein powders, that really tasted awful. There were also some chewable pills […]
The nutritionist chronicles – Part 4

Number four in the series journalist my experiences with my nutritionist.
Exercise Is Not Enough!

Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym A guest post by Angelique Kronebusch I know a lot of people who think that they can justify eating something bad because they just spent two hours in the gym. Usually I would not have a problem with this, but the reason why I do is […]
The 5 best diet tips ever

The 5 best diet tips ever 1. Eat meals every 2-3 hours – This keeps your metabolism working. It will also keep you from getting hungry. This doesn’t mean go eat big meals every 2-3 hours. Instead, eat three bigger meals, and 2 to 3 snacks in between. These snacks could be string cheese and […]
The nutritionist chronicles – Part 3

The third part in a series of thoughts from visiting with a nutritionist.
Is Pavlov messing with your progress?

Guest post by Milda Simonaitis The drool response makes you hungry You’re probably familiar with the weight loss tip of putting food away as soon as you’re done with a meal, or staying out of the kitchen, as a means of avoiding unnecessary snacking. The idea is that if you don’t see it, you won’t […]
Battle your weight this year – and win

Stock up your arsonal and prepare for the fight for your life. Battle your weight this year, and win.
Is your diet secretly holding you back?

di·et ˈdī-ət Function: noun Etymology: Middle English diete, from Anglo-French, from Latin diaeta, from Greek diaita, literally, manner of living, from diaitasthai to lead one’s life Date: 13th century 1 a : food and drink regularly provided or consumed b : habitual nourishment c : the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person […]
Pantry staples

No kitchen should be without the bare essentials. Pantry staples are the building blocks of good, nutritious, and inexpensive meals.